Hershey Little League is excited to offer Mariana's Subs and Pizza for sale this Spring. As this is the first "fundraiser" that HLL has attempted in a few years, below is some information around the sale, important dates, and what to expect as we roll it out at the start of the season!
When does the Sub Sale start?
In short, it starts now! Order forms have now been distributed by coaches across all levels (1 per player). As soon as players have their order form, they can start filling it in with Sub and Pizza orders.
How long will the sale last?
Completed order forms and exact payment are due from Players by no later than
Saturday April 26th. We have asked team coaches collect the order forms and payments from their players before April 26th and we will have a drop off station at Opening Day festivities on April 26th. Because we will need to immediately relay the bulk order to Marianna's, unfortunately we will be unable to make any exceptions.
When will the food be delivered?
The Delivery Date is
Saturday May 10th. We will likely begin distribution around around 11AM at Memorial Field's Pavilion. Because items are perishable, all orders are required to be picked up on Saturday May 10th. We'll be unable to hold orders for another date. Teammates and Coaches will be able to pickup orders for players who are not available. We cannot divide orders for pickup.
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute on May 10th, please reach out to Dave.Krasinski
How much does each item cost?
Each item is priced at
$11 even.
Are these subs any good or should we expect standard "fundraising quality"?
The food is great! (really!) . The HLL Board was given the opportunity to test samples of the subs and pizza prior to engaging with Marianna's. Marianna's emphasizes quality and freshness. These are NOT your normal fundraising subs. The meat, cheese, produce, and bread are all very good. The items will also be packaged in a way that promotes extended freshness and prevents sogginess. Each sub is 14" and pizzas are 12". We've already gotten positive feedback from the community from people who are familiar with Marianna's. They are thrilled we chose them as HLL's provider.
More information about Marianna's (part of Delgrosso Foods) can be found on their site:
Marianna's FundraisersWhat options will be offered? To promote variety, the league opted for the full Marianna's menu. You'll see ALOT of choices on the order forms. The menu can also be found here:
Marianna's Menu Are players expected to go door-to-door and sell subs around town?
No! This program is not intended for door-to-door sales or to any persons not known to you and your player. For a safe and successful program, please supervise your child's efforts. If they are approaching known neighbors, etc., parental supervision is required. We DO NOT want our players approaching ANY strangers unattended.
Where should Players sell the subs?This is a "friends and family" program. Aside from immediate family, players can ask Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, etc. Please feel free to post to your Facebook and other social media accounts. Selling at workplaces is also highly recommended.
How many subs should each player sell?
Ideally, as many as possible. However, we do not have per player "quotas". We are expecting that each player's immediate family would place a order. Anything beyond this would be much appreciated!
Will Players be asked to handle money? Yes, but with parental supervision and collected by coaches. Each player will be required to turn in the exact amount of payment that corresponds with the total items ordered. (i.e. if a player sells 10 subs, they will need to turn in $110 to their coaches, along with their completed form, before April 26).
We have asked the Coaches to "check the math" prior to turning in the team's orders. For the sake of our dedicated coaches, we recommend a single check per order form. Otherwise, cash and checks will both be accepted with order forms on April 26th. We do not have a credit card or online payment option available.
Who do we make the check out to?
All checks can be made payable to:
Hershey Little League
Are there prizes for top selling players and/or teams?
We will recognize the top selling player and team at each level with a league wide announcement, social media post (with parental approval), etc.
Where do the proceeds go?
As is the case for all of the HLL sponsorship and fundraising activities, the money raised from the sub sale will go directly towards the league's mission of providing the best and safest experience for the kids. For example, this year we were able to introduced the Winter Workout indoor training and Youth Umpire programs. HLL also subsidized a brand new new batting cage at the Pebble Beach field. We've been able to upgrade pitching screens and field maintenance equipment at all of the local fields the kids will use. In short, all of the support we receive from our baseball community, allows HLL to do more for the kids to promote the best experience and better year round programs.
If players/coaches/parents have additional questions about the fundraiser, who should we touch base with?
Please ask your coach. Alternatively, Dave Krasinski chairs sponsorships and fundraising on the HLL Board. Any questions can be directed to Dave at 703-473-7699 or
[email protected]